Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Posting our favourite songs as good-bye gifts for our project partners. Worksheets to be used in the future by teachers and their students during English classes

Our final task was to post our beloved songs as farewell presents for our project partners. Below there are some of them :)




And here it the link to the worksheets which can be used during English classes to develop students' speaking skills:


Project manifesto

Here is the text of the agreed project manifesto:

"We love our families, friends, homelands, their traditions and culture.
We believe in universal values such as love, peace, tolerance, solidarity and co-operation. We can't think only about ourselves, we want to be opened for others. We are convinced that all young people should take care of other humans and the environment.
We are committed to all the values we believe in and the goals we want to achieve in life.
Let's begin the new age of international collaboration and peaceful co-existance! Let's make the world a bit better!"

Project evaluation - results

Here are the results of the project evaluation

Online magazines - The Philippines, Greece and Italy

Here are the three magazines about the Philippines, Greece and Italy :)


Friday, 17 June 2016

"Our passions" magazine

Here is the online magazine putting together all the materials from

 "Our passions" task. 

Enjoy reading!

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Let's play a Kahoot quiz about our project :)

We created a Kahoot quiz and played it with several groups.

Now the quiz is available and other teams and individual students

can play it as well. It's a great fun! :)

And the students from other countries also played the quiz :)

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Project evaluation survey

Create your own user feedback survey